What is BFBD?

BFBD is a Psycho-Electro Punk band from Toronto Canada. They generate power for their gear using dogsled generators and they eat a box of Creed for breakfast everyday! You don't mess with BFBD cause they'll gnaw off you legs and build a dam with them. You listen to BFBD cause you can't fathom what type of sound all this BS is backing up!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

ING Direct Canada Orange Key Question Time (pt.2)

     Incased you missed the fun while it was fresh yesterday, here is another round of ING Direct.ca orange key questions left unsaid...perhaps for a good reason too...

Q. I'm still looking for a purple key, where can I find it?

A. Ok, ok...First make sure you are in Canada, second you need to be facing to the north. If you've done those two things then leave a good comment on each of this blogs pages. After doing so there is a possibility that a purple key will appear...somewhere.

Q. Does my ING orange key come with a Canadian maple leaf key chain? 
A. No, INGDirect.ca doesn't charge bank fees, I suggest you don't ask the question again if you want it to stay that way.

Q. How many times will there be question time on this blog?
A. Most likely more times than needed...might even become a weekly thing.

Q. I had a question about online banking at INGDirect.ca but I can't remember it.
A. Too bad cause I had an answer for you.

     Catch you next time!

     -Sign Up Now at ING Direct.ca (don`t forget to copy an ING Direct Canada Orange Key  33885729S1 )       
     -See our original post About the ING Direct Canada Orange Key for more information.
     -Keep an eye out on our Contest Page to see our latest contests and contest winners!

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousJuly 20, 2012

    Between my wife and I we made 350 just by opening the accounts and switching payrolls, the trick is that one of you opens the first account and then sponsors the other one.

    To do that just use the Orange Key in this site ( ingdirectcanada-orangekey.blogspot.ca )

    I also closed my account with Desjardins, the only thing I keep active with them is my credit card, you can read my story of why I closed everything with them ( even insurrance ) here:
