What is BFBD?

BFBD is a Psycho-Electro Punk band from Toronto Canada. They generate power for their gear using dogsled generators and they eat a box of Creed for breakfast everyday! You don't mess with BFBD cause they'll gnaw off you legs and build a dam with them. You listen to BFBD cause you can't fathom what type of sound all this BS is backing up!

Monday, September 12, 2011

5 Tips to Getting More Orange Key Referrals

     You found an ING Direct Canada orange key, signed up, collected your $25 and received your own key... correct? If not then here is a working orange key 33885729S1, and here is the link to go Sign Up Now at ING Direct.ca. If your ready to promote your orange key then lets begin!
So how do you do it? How do you reach that convented $2000 potential? You could try seeing if it will open the lock to a small safe, you might get lucky. Or you can do what was intended for you to do, share your orange key with friends and get referrals!

     1. Share your ING Direct Canada orange key with friends. Did you need me to say so again? Probably not but now it's behind a number and offically part of the list. If you have a few friends then you should be able to get a couple referrals from them. Chances are all your friends will be interested in ING and the orange key program when you tell them that they can earn $2000 with their own orange key. However interest, unless it's acumalating in an account, isn't going to get you any money from an online bank. You need to push! Read the post on "How to Push your Friends Without Getting Punched" for even more tips on this area. Give it a shot, get a couple referrals and hit up the next tip.

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