What is BFBD?

BFBD is a Psycho-Electro Punk band from Toronto Canada. They generate power for their gear using dogsled generators and they eat a box of Creed for breakfast everyday! You don't mess with BFBD cause they'll gnaw off you legs and build a dam with them. You listen to BFBD cause you can't fathom what type of sound all this BS is backing up!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How to be an ING Direct Canada Salesperson Without Earning a Salary

     If there is a bank whose gotten advertising right I'd say it's ING Direct Canada. ING drew huge attention with their straight talking Englishman commercials which many companies even today are less successfully trying to imitate. ING has even been able to put a trademark on the term 'save your money' joining the ranks with other big companies who've been able to claim everyday phrases as their own.
     Having said this maybe it's to be expected that they would create the orange key, one if the greatest sales tools employed by a bank.. The 'orange' bank knows what people want and they know how to take advantage of it without making you feel ripped off. The INGDirect.ca Orange Key bonus program is a win - win situation for all who take part, money for you customers for them. In ING Direct's eyes the referral bonus is a small price to pay.
     So how can you make the most out of the orange key referral program? How can you be a star salesperson without a glorious monthly paycheck!? How can you get your $25 bonus and more!? Here are a few sales tips and techniques that can help you get more key referrals.

     1. Lets star with a simple principal, sell don't tell. Tell someone to use your orange key and sign up at ING Direct.ca and they are likely to say no, a variation of no, or yes but mean no. So how can you get orange key referrals? Hook people, build up interest and make them want to sign up at ING Direct.ca. Give people a reason to say yes to you.

     2. Choose your word wisely! Are you going to tell people they can "Get $25 at ING Direct Canada", "Earn $2000 using their own orange keys at ING Direct.ca", or "Make up to $2025 for singing up and signing up friends at an online bank"? There are so many ways to say the same thing, so many words to choose from and it's quite important to make the right choices. The post "How to Pop the Question" (coming soon) has more specifics on this topic.

     3. Avoid looking or sounding like a con artist. As soon as someone has this impression of you, your chances of getting an ING Direct Canada referral are almost zero. You need to give people enough information to trust you but don't confuse them with too many details. Walk through the ING Direct.ca sign up process step by step with them. The question I heard the most is why do I need to send ING Direct Canada a $100 cheque. This question is usually followed by what happens to my money. These questions can be easily answered but saying I don't know will likely lose you an ING Direct Canada orange key referral. So what should you say? First tell the person asking that the cheque is used as a form of ID rather than having to mail a more important piece of ID. Secondly the cheque has the information on it needed to link your original bank account to your new ING Direct Canada online bank account, this is how you can move your money back and forth. Remind the person that the cheque is made in their own name so nobody else has access to the money, it will be deposited into their new ING Direct Canada account where they can do what they want wiith it.

     4. Don't feed a lion Rice Crispies if they like raw flesh and Coffee Crisp. The same goes for people you are signing up to ING Direct Canada, don't pitch them on a product they won't be interested in. Keep in mind that there are products other than the ISA available at ING Direct Canada, take some time to become familiar with them it'll pay off!

     5. Have a business card! A salesperson would have one and so should you, but you don't need to go overboard. Self-printed or free offer cards will do, just make sure they are neat and clean. What information do you need on your non-official ING Direct Canada business card? Start with your name for formalty's sake, follow it by a one sentance catch phrase (tip #2 had three examples), state your ING Direct Orange Key, and finish off with the ING Direct.ca website. One thing to avoid is making it look like an official ING Direct Canada business card, don`t infringe on any copyrights. These cards are really great for the times when a computer isn`t handy to complete the sign up and you want to leave the information with someone for later.

     That marks the end of the tip list. Sales 101 is finished, hopefully you can pick something useful out of there to use for yourself when signing people up to ING Direct Canada with your orange key. Feel free to share your own tips in the comments!

     -Sign Up Now at ING Direct.ca (don`t forget to copy an ING Direct Canada Orange Key  33885729S1 )  
     -See our original post about the ING Direct Orange Key program HERE for more information.

1 comment:

  1. I love Coffee Crisp! Thanks for the great blog post and orange key!!
