What is BFBD?

BFBD is a Psycho-Electro Punk band from Toronto Canada. They generate power for their gear using dogsled generators and they eat a box of Creed for breakfast everyday! You don't mess with BFBD cause they'll gnaw off you legs and build a dam with them. You listen to BFBD cause you can't fathom what type of sound all this BS is backing up!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

BFBD is Canadian Pshyco-Electro Punk!

Excuse me BFBD...What exactly does Canadian Psycho-Electro Punk sound and look like?! Does Punk exist in Canada?! How does the band get electricity to make the Electro part?! Well Punk does exist in Canada!! The electricity comes from dogsled wheels (think hamster wheels only bigger and colder)!

As for the look and sound, check it out! BFBD's Tracks on Youtube:

BFBD - Pretty

BFBD - Pink Nose

BFBD - Tongues

As for the looks - Updated info, photos, give aways and more can be found on the Official BFBD Facebook Page. Enjoy!

Monday, June 4, 2012

BFBD - Meet the Members


A second post about the band BFBD. Collected some information about the members. The band has 3 members, all of which are rather interesting characters!



Godbout is the undeclared band leader, having the most experience in music creation and the industry, he tends to be the brain behind the music as well as the voice that projects it. Godbout is a firm believer in that analogue is best, which can lend to the music's intrigue and also cause minor migraines while recording and producing new material.



B-Rex is the band's bassist and claims to be in charge of style, although what exactly being in charge of style entails has yet to be discovered. B-Rex is a minority which leaves him vulnerable to racial attacks from the other band members, however he has the developed the innate ability to ignore the banter (good for you B-REX!) . B-Rex is also the unofficial art director for the group, and his manifestations of insanity spring up often.



Mr.Namakemono plays keys for BFBD, he also loves getting his dirty hands on anything electric and would be a DJ if he had more energy and wasn't so slow... Namakemono can be viewed as the ying to Godbouts wang...err...yang...due to his belief in all things digital, although he is not opposed to analogue methods. A near death experience inspired Namakemono's band name, it's said that he was nearly slashed to death in a Japanese petting zoo by a sloth...his pretty face was left unharmed :)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

BFBD - New Toronto Based Band

     BFBD isn't related to the orange key in anyway but I wanted to show my support for a great band coming from my home town Toronto Ontario Canada. Please take a look at their work and help support an upcoming Canadian band!

BFBD logo
BFBD: love.hate.sex
BFBD Facebook Page (OFFICIAL) The band can often be found on this page interacting with fans. It has links to photos, music and videos.

The BFBD YouTube Channel! (OFFICIAL) Listen to and watch videos/music posted by BFBD.

BFBD Street Team and Fansite This site is not run by BFBD but is recognized by them as the official fan/street team page.

Monday, February 13, 2012

INGDirect.ca Online Support - Crapfkntastic! (Part 2) Resolution

Well having waited over a week and sending 3 follow up emails a response was finally issued to me by INGDirect.ca. Am I satisfied? Well Kinda. The email is good, what I had hoped for and more than I expected. However in the end I feel less secure about getting assistance from ING Direct Canada`s support staff. My advice to everyone is ask by email, and if you need to ease your mind go ahead and ask by chat but I wouldn`t act until that email response comes in. Or is you are daring and don`t mind interacting with humans you can just call. Two answers are better than one!

Here is the response


My apologies for the delay in replying to you. Although this isn't an excuse, it's been busier than we've expected this month - adding more time than it usually takes for us to investigate, action, and get back to you.

I've looked up the chat and reviewed the emails you've sent us, and the agent you chatted with was incorrect. Mr.Pink has given you the correct answer that we don't accept travelers cheques for deposit. I've coached back the correct information to the agent you chatted with, going over all the types of deposits we can and cannot accept. We do have an internal knowledge base that our agents use, but as this agent was confident in his answer he did not consult it - and we've addressed that as well.

Thank you for your feedback, and for following up with us on this. Your feedback helps us to keep accountable and continually improve on our customer service. If you have any other good or bad experiences, we welcome you to share them with us.

All the best,

Savings Email Team  

 Not bad eh? Well thats all for now.

 -Sign Up Now at ING Direct.ca (don`t forget to copy an ING Direct Canada Orange Key  33885729S1 )       -See our original post About the ING Direct Canada Orange Key for more information.
 -Keep an eye out on our Contest Page to see our latest contests and contest winners!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

INGDirect.ca Online Support - Crapfkntastic! Poor Service Woes

It`s really great that ING Direct Canada has online chat support! It`s so convenient to be able to simply ask someone a question directly and get an answer instantly. No waiting around for emails, you can keep chatting till everything clear and with ING you know you are speaking with a trained professional...or so I thought. I went from loving to hating ING online support within a weeks time. Although I have had good experiences in the past this one almost cost me up to $800. Below are my email transactions with ING, originally I had inquired by both chat and email about depositing travelers cheques.

Received: 01/30/2012 07:55 AM
Subject: travelers cheques
Hello I am an ING client currently living in Japan. I am wondering if I order travelers cheques from my Japanese bank if I could mail them to ING and have them deposited into my ISA. If so, what fee's would be involved? If not, are there any other types of foreign money transfer services offered by ING?
Thank you

Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2012 11:49:14 -0500
Subject: travelers cheques [Incident:]
We don't accept travelers cheques, however, we can accept wire transfers sent to be deposited into your ING DIRECT account -fee free! To receive a wire transfer, you'll need our BIC code which is: INGBCATT. Generally, the funds take about 3-4 hours to be deposited into your ING DIRECT account. The exchange to Canadian dollars is done by the bank sending the funds to us. We can accept wire transfers from almost any country.
Be sure to check with your bank in Japan for any fees that may apply.

Thanks for saving with us,
Savings Email Team

That was all good, problem is that online chat support told me the opposite!!! Unfortunately I don`t have the original chat log yet. But I have these emails.

Subject: RE: travelers cheques [Incident: ]
Date: Thu, 2 Feb 2012 07:36:30 -0500
Thank you very much for the email. Letting me know about the fee free wire transfer is quite helpful, I will probably do that.

I would like to bring to attention a serious problem, if you could please forward this email to whom it may concern.

After having asked my question regarding travelers cheques by email, I found that someone was available in chat support so I desided to ask them for a quicker response. This was Tuesday January 31 2012, morning between 8AM and 11AM. Unfortunately I do not recall who I chatted with but I am sure that chats are logged, a search of logs at that time for the phrase "japanese bank" should easily bring up the chat.

I opened by saying "I am wondering if I send travelers cheques to ING if they could be deposited into my ISA"
the reply was yes, perhaps "we can do that".
I asked if it was ok that my cheque came from a "japanese bank" and I was assured that it was no problem.
We discussed fees, and I asked if I send the cheque to the same address as when I first opened my account, the answer was "exactly".
That was the end.

This is obviously in contrast to your email response, and I assume that this email is correct and the chat support was wrong. After the chat I found the info needed to buy the cheques. I was planning to buy $10-15 thousand dollars worth. There would have been a 1.5% fee for the service, the exchange rate had about a 2% commission on it. If I had bought the cheques and found them unusable I would have to have then converted back to yen as a simple refund is not possible, a further 2% commission would have been taken.

My loss would have been 5.5% or $550 - $825 and somehow ING would probably not claim liability so I would be out.

I'm wondering how it was possible to be given completely wrong information. If there is a manual or bible to assist chat support with answers, was it used?

I would like a follow up with answers and an explanation. Also I would like to know what actions will be taken by ING.

Thank you for your help Paulo, unfortunately not everyone is helpful at ING.

I`m still waiting for a response and sent them a follow up today....

"One week ago I had a big problem with ING online chat support. I sent a complaint last week and am yet to recieve a response of any type. Below you will find my past email. I would hope to recieve a swift response having had none so far on this issue."

Whats your take on it? Have your own problems to share? Leave a comment and lets hear!

     -Sign Up Now at ING Direct.ca (don`t forget to copy an ING Direct Canada Orange    Key  33885729S1)       
     -See our original post About the ING Direct Canada Orange Key for more information.
     -Keep an eye out on our Contest Page to see our latest contests and contest winners!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

ING Direct Canada Raises Interest Rates

     Well don't get too excited, the recent interest  rate increase was only for the TFSA accounts. It seems that without notice when the new year rolled in the rates rolled up from 1.5% to 2%. I seem to remember the same thing happening before, but I lack the records or rather the energy to search for the proof. Seems like ING is playing games, raise the rates for a new years gift!...disappointingly lower them towards the end of the year and, wow! higher rates for the new year again!! lame.
     Anyways the rate is welcomed either way.
     What are your thoughts on the interest rates at ING? Anyone have the rate history to see when the increases and decreases take place annually? Maybe there is a pattern, maybe I've been drinking, perhaps the truth is out there. Yeah my grammar is poor, but so are the ING interest rates...ain't nothin you can do about it...

     -Sign Up Now at ING Direct.ca (don`t forget to copy an ING Direct Canada Orange Key  33885729S1 )      
     -See our original post About the ING Direct Canada Orange Key for more information.
     -Keep an eye out on our Contest Page to see our latest contests and contest winners!